The human body is considered as multiple layers of qi in Shakuju Therapy. So, depending on which layer you focus on, the side to be picked up as a reference point might differ. For example, one checks GB 21 both right and left sides. If the right side is hard in the superficial layer, the right GB 21 is a reference point, and the left GB 21 is the treatment point.
However, what happens to check the deeper layer at GB 21? You may find the left side is harder than the right. In this layer, the left side is a reference point and the right side becomes a treatment side. If you try to confirm the more deeper layer, it might change again.
So, what is the right reference point then? The answer will be all. Why? As a reference point is an indicator for who use it, the relative relationship of the layer focused by the practitioner is highlighted.
Have you experienced like this? Whenever confirmed the reference point by your master, the side is always different. If the problem of finger sensation is not taking an account, the reference point you chose is not wrong, but the layers to be checked are different. Moreover, it can be assumed that the skill to palpate the deeper layer indicates one's ability of treatment. You might feel disappointed when your sensei picks up the different side, but you don't need to be pessimistic. Rather, it is better than picking up the same side with sensei, though the layers are completely different, and you never notice the difference.
*This article is translated from Japanese Shakuju Association blog.