Shakuju Therapy (Acupuncture Core Therapy)
Shakuju Therapy is an acumoxa therapy based on Oriental thoughts.
That is, the therapy is based on the concept of qi.
In this therapy, illness is treated as qi deviation and stagnation, and all “sho” (pattern) to a person’s condition is examined by the concept of qi.
The ultimate origin of all illness is explained by fundamental cold (Hie).
Treatment consists of moving qi in the body and eradicating fundamental cold (Hie)
In general, the Japanese word, hie, means coldness and cold temperature, but fundamental cold (Hie) in this context, means a decline of the body’s vital force and vacuity of Jing qi.
The abdominal and dorsal regions are emphasized in this therapy. Abnormal findings in the abdomen, shaku and ju, are the primary sources of diagnostic information and the treatment is performed on the dorsal region accordingly.
The treatment procedure is as follows.
- Carry out observation,interrogation and auscultation evaluation procedures.
Fill out patient chart(Confirm the main complaint). - Patient reclines face up (supine) on treatmant table.Confirm the main complaint.
Observe the skin of the expose abdomen,confirm reference points.
Perform contact needling (Step 1 of Acupuncture Core Therapy).
Evaluate and adjust the pulse (Step 2 of Acupuncture Core Therapy).
Locate abdominal shaku (Step 3 of Acupuncture Core Therapy). - Patient turns to lie face down (prone) on treatment table.
Observe the skin of the back.Confirm reference points.
Perform contact needling on the back.
Locate and treat shu points according to the abdominal findings.
If necessary, use supplemental treatments that require the prone position. - Patient again turns to lie face up (supine) on treatment table.
Locate abdominal shaku.
Treat necessary points according to the shaku (Step 4 of Acupuncture Core Therapy).
Treat points on the inferior costal margin (Step 5 of Acupuncture Core Therapy).
If necessary, use supplemental treatments that require the face up position (Step 6 of Acupuncture Core Therapy).
Confirm final pulse pattern. - Patient seated.
If necessary, use supplemental treatments for the seated position.
Visually examine the entire body.